Always interested in film, Jacob Bondesen has led a life based around cinema and art, from childhood adventures to university involvement and professional enterprises. He studied film at The University of North Texas, graduating in 2010, to begin a production company concentrating on real estate listing videos and wedding highlight reels. He joined Philip Becker’s marketing efforts in 2011 to accelerate the company’s growth, bringing transparent media to consumers and agents alike, in turn establishing a culture and seat in the competitive San Antonio market.
Jacob and his wife Brandi travel internationally in their free time and love visiting Barcelona among other European countries. Their drive to see the world motivates them in their personal and work life. They are highly involved in the wedding videography industry and work closely with the popular Dustin Finkelstein Photography in Austin (Jacob’s portrait image by DF). Jacob networks with other wedding vendors as well creating a sphere of influence that ties in nicely with Becker Properties who works with first time home buyers among other clients who are in different phases of their lives. Building up his business over the years, he now works full-time with Brandi and other team members that shoot and edit listings for Becker Properties including other marketing and promotional videos.